Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration: Volume 15 Issue 4


Table of contents

A nexus between intra-ASEAN outward FDI, intra-ASEAN exports and economic growth of ASEAN-10: evidence using panel causality analysis

Koi Nyen Wong, Bee Wah Tan, Soo Khoon Goh

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has evolved into ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), which aims to pursue a single market and production base to transform ASEAN…

Intellectual capital and bank performance: the moderating role of income diversification

Peter Nderitu Githaiga

This study examines whether income diversification moderates the relationship between intellectual capital and bank performance among East African banks.

Social marketing, social media and eudaimonic well-being: a qualitative exploration

Tala Abuhussein, Sima Magatef

This research considers the role of social media platforms and their impact on individuals' eudaimonic well-being, and aims to help develop a social marketing programme in the…


The moderating role of board diversity in the nexus between the quality of financial disclosure and dividends in Jordanian-listed banks

Ahmad Ibrahim Karajeh

This study covers all banks listed on the Amman Stock Exchange. It used (1) dividend-paying status, dividend changes and dividend persistence to measure dividend quality, (2) a…

Tax enforcement: incentive or inhibition? Evidence from debt aggressiveness and capital structure in China

Liu Xiaomei, Yao Yao, Aws AlHares, Yasir Shahab, Sun Yue

To investigate the impact of tax enforcement on (a) debt aggressiveness (DEA) and (b) dynamic adjustment of capital structure in Chinese listed firms.

Mapping the landscape of organizational theories for future research themes in supply chain risk management

Sibel Yildiz Çankaya, Yesim Can Saglam, Bülent Sezen

The aim of this conceptual study is to analyze the effects of state-of-the-art research streams on supply chain risk management (SCRM) based on organizational theoretical…


International expansion or stagnation: market development for mature products

Bo Rundh

The purpose of this paper is to explore international market development for mature products and practices used in a novel business context.

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  • Dr Saeed Pahlevan Sharif