International Journal of Innovation Science: Volume 17 Issue 1


Table of contents

The relationship between virtuous leadership and innovation management in the pharmaceutical companies of the public business sector – Egypt

Sanaa Mostafa Mohammed, Reda Ebrahim El-Ashram

The current paper is aimed to explore the relationship between virtuous leadership (VL) dimensions and the dimensions of innovation management (IM) among employees in…

Green innovation adoption of SMEs in Indonesia: what factors determine it?

Henny Indrawati, Caska Caska, Neni Hermita, Sumarno Sumarno, Almasdi Syahza

An important global issue is the harm that businesses are posing to the environment. However, the impact of small and medium enterprises’ (SMEs) operations on the environment…

Epistemological extension of situation strength theory to assess intrapreneurial behaviour

Muhammad Zubair Alam, Muhammad Rafiq, Adnan Alafif, Sobia Nasir

The determination of human behaviours due to individual characteristics (personality traits) or situational factors has long remained inconclusive. Although the literature stream…

The effect of teacher-student collaboration on academic innovation in universities: an exploration from the perspective of collaborative process

Wenhui Pan, Zhenxing Liu

This paper aims to explore the effect of teacher–student collaboration on academic innovation in universities in different stages of collaboration.

Maximizing business performance through entrepreneurial orientation: a multilevel analysis

Harpreet Singh Bedi, Sandeep Vij, Rayees Farooq

This study aims to analyze the effect of organizational context on Entrepreneurial Orientation–Business Performance (EO–BP) relationship by drawing a sample from India.

The role of local institutions in the technological trajectory of the Brazilian rice industry

Jorge Tello-Gamarra, Mônica Fitz-Oliveira

Despite the growing interest regarding the Brazilian rice industry, there is not much literature focusing on the role of the institutions in the process of technological…

Entrepreneurial activities, innovation, and job creation: the role of demographics and creativity as moderators

Abrar Mohammed Al Alawi, Kawther Al Kindi, Abdullah Al Shukaili, Essia Ries Ahmed

This study aims to explore the influence of innovation in entrepreneurial activities and job creation, examine the influence of innovation in entrepreneurial activities on jobs…

Gauging the level of time-varying interlinkages between environmental innovation and globalization in Vietnam

Le Thanh Ha

This study aims to examine connections between five variables, including innovation in environment-related technology (EI), trade openness (TRADE), CO2 emissions (CO2) and foreign…

Exploring the indirect effects of innovation policy and innovation culture on business model innovation: a moderated mediation analysis

Chih-Hung Chen

While previous studies have investigated the factors influencing the internet adoption, the findings may not be transferable to explain blockchain technology adoption, despite its…

Equity capital financing of Swedish SMEs, innovation, and decentralized management

Viktor Ström, Nima Sanandaji, Saeid Esmaeilzadeh, Mouna Esmaeilzadeh

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the potential link between Sweden’s high reliance on equity capital financing among small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and its…


Does control of corruption play its role in enhancing the innovation? Empirical evidence from Asian region

Umar Farooq, Mosab I. Tabash, Basem Hamouri, Linda Nalini Daniel

In the current competitive era of industrialization, a significant level of innovation is necessary to meet the growing competition. There are many economic forces that determine…

Enhancing firm innovativeness through HRM practices: the mediating role of innovation capability

Faisal Iddris, Philip Opoku Mensah, Charlotte Adjanor-Doku, Florence Yaa Akyiaa Ellis

This paper aims to investigate the influence of human resource management (HRM) practices on the level of innovativeness observed within the service sector of Ghana, taking into…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Dr Brett Trusko
  • Dr Rodrigo Cortopassi G. Lobo