International Journal of Innovation Science: Volume 16 Issue 1


Table of contents

Innovating to survive in competitive markets: business model innovation of Chinese digital businesses

Robin Bell

Business model innovation (BMI) has been posited as essential for both new and existing digital business, as they commonly operate in competitive and fast-moving markets with…

Disruptive innovation in effective learning systems: the impact of personalized instructor-created software-aided assessments to increase retention and knowledge

Joseph S. Nadan, Abram Walton, Behzad Tabaei, Charles Edward Bryant, Natalie Shah

This paper aims to propose an innovative method for deploying a personalized instructor-created software-aided assessment system, that will disrupt traditional learning…

Mapping the scientific evolution of innovative work behavior: a bibliometric analysis of three decades

Sabzar Ahmad Peerzadah, Sabiya Mufti, Shayista Majeed

This study aims to look at the current state of academic research on innovative work behavior (IWB) and how far it has progressed by using key performance analysis and science…

A serial mediation model of entrepreneurial education and entrepreneurial intention: a social cognitive career theory approach

Cong Doanh Duong, Thi Thu Thuy Nguyen, Thi Loan Le, Thi Viet Nga Ngo, Chi Dung Nguyen, Thi Dao Nguyen

This study aims to answer two questions: do self-efficacy and outcome expectations serial mediate the effect of entrepreneurial education (EE) on the intention to start a…

Business model patterns in the 3D food printing industry

Nanond Nopparat, Damien Motte

Present for more than 20 years, 3D food printing (3DFP) technology has not experienced the same widespread adoption as its non-food counterparts. It is believed that relevant…


Sustainable business model innovation: external and internal factors on SMEs

Adijati Utaminingsih, Sri Yuni Widowati, E.H. Witjaksono

This study aims to analyze the internal and external factors of the acceptance of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to implemented sustainable business model innovations (SBMI…

The effect of proximal personality traits on entrepreneurial intention among higher education students

Gonçalo Rodrigues Brás, Ana Daniel, Cristina Fernandes

According to the literature, general personality traits are less strongly related to the creation of new ventures than specific/proximal personality traits. Therefore, this study…

Using a complex measure of product innovativeness to explain abnormal financial returns

Batkhuyag Ganbaatar, Khulan Myagmar, Evan J. Douglas

By examining the impact of product innovation on abnormal financial returns following the launch of new products, this study aims to test the explanatory power of a new compound…

Agile readiness for sustainable operations in start-ups

Aswathy Sreenivasan, M. Suresh

This study aims to identify the factors influencing agile readiness in start-ups. Start-ups are being confronted with increased competition, customer demands, technological…

The coexistence of blockchains and business models (innovation): a systematic review

Ambara Purusottama, Togar Mangihut Simatupang, Yos Sunitiyoso

Blockchain (BC) is a technological innovation that emphasizes the opposite paradigm compared to the available technology. This paradigm enables changing the firm’s business models…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Dr Brett Trusko
  • Dr Rodrigo Cortopassi G. Lobo