Journal of Historical Research in Marketing: Volume 8 Issue 3


Table of contents - Special Issue: Australian Marketing History

Guest Editors: Robert Crawford

“He just smiled and gave me a Vegemite sandwich”: Advertising Australia’s national food in the United States, 1968-1988

Emily J.H. Contois

Through a case study of J. Walter Thompson and Kraft’s efforts to market Vegemite in the USA in the late 1960s, this paper aims to explore transnational systems of cultural…

The ironic marketing of heritage and nostalgia: the branding of Bushells tea, 1983-c.1990

Susie Khamis

This study aims to examine and contextualize the growing salience of nostalgic motifs in the promotion of Bushells Tea from the early 1980s to the early 1990s. It aims to analyze…

“It’s time”: revolution and evolution in Australian political advertising

Leanne White

The purpose of this paper is to examine two significant political advertising campaigns which used the “It’s Time” slogan and to reflect on how these related to official, popular…

Department store innovation: David Jones Ltd., Australia, 1876-1915

Dale Miller, Bill Merrilees

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the historical contributions of complex innovations (both creative and tactical components) in a formative period in a major Australian…


Marketing to the Big Middle: establishing Australian discount department stores

Matthew Bailey

This study focuses on the marketing strategies of the two most successful discount department store chains in Australia between 1969 and the late 1980s when consumer acceptance of…


The Woman’s Budget Bureau: friendship and consumption in Australia

Jackie Dickenson

This paper aims to reveal the marshalling of an emotion – loneliness – over time for the construction of relationships between advertisers and consumers between 1909 and 1934…

Opening for business: A comparison of J. Walter Thompson and McCann Erickson’s entries into the Australian market

Robert Crawford

This paper aims to provide an insight into the emergence of the global advertising industry by undertaking a comparison of the respective entries of the advertising agencies J…

Absence and the advertising historian

Susan Smulyan

The purpose of this paper is to examine the commonly held idea that American advertising agencies closely supervised their Australian counterparts during the globalization of…

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  • Dr Richard Hawkins