Table of contents
The advertising of E. Remington & Sons: the creation of an iconic brand, 1854-1888
Robert A. Henning, Terrence H. Witkowski– This article aims to document and analyze how E. Remington & Sons built a valuable firearms brand through its advertising in the period 1854-1888.
The role of department stores in the evolution of marketing: Primary source records from Australia
Ellen McArthur– The purpose of this paper is to present historical research on marketing practices in department stores of the 1880-1930 period using primary source records from Australia.
Realizing marketplace opportunity: How research on the black consumer market influenced mainstream marketers, 1920-1970
Judy Foster DavisThe influence of research on decisions concerning black consumers by mainstream marketers between 1920 and 1970 is to be examined. Market opportunity analysis provides a…
New Women and Modern Girls: consuming foreign goods in colonial Seoul
Hyun Jeong MinDuring the 1920s and 1930s in the colonial city of Seoul, a group of women called the New Women and the Modern Girls expressed their modern identities by wearing different…
Retro from the get-go: reactionary reflections on marketing's yestermania
Stephen Brown– The purpose of this study is to raise the issue of contemporary retromania with marketing historians.
William R. Davidson (1919-2012): a pioneer in retailing
Brian Jones– This biographical sketch aims to describe the life and career of William R. Davidson.
William R. Davidson, PhD: the right man for the times in retailing
Daniel J. SweeneyThe purpose of this article is to review the historical development of William Davidson's Retailing Management book that spanned six editions and 35 years and to evaluate its…
Management Horizons and the legacy of William R. Davidson
Robert D. TamiliaThe purpose of this paper is to give tribute to William R. Davidson and his pioneering work with Management Horizons, the retail consultancy he cofounded along with numerous…

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2009Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Dr Richard Hawkins