Journal of Historical Research in Marketing: Volume 4 Issue 3


Table of contents

A history of the concept of branding: practice and theory

Wilson Bastos, Sidney J. Levy

This inquiry aims to contribute to the literature on the historical developments that have influenced the origin, uses, and meanings of branding.


The US advertising industry's self‐regulation of comparative advertising

Fred Beard

Although there is considerable scholarly research on advertising self‐regulation in the USA, there is no research at all on the unique problems that comparative advertising…


A history of farmers' markets in Canada

Michael Basil

Farmers' markets are often identified as the roots of marketing enterprise. They are usually considered as part of a traditional economy. This study seeks to examine how the…

Occasional publishers: producing and marketing books in England, 1771‐1844

Rob Banham

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the way in which a series of related printing businesses, owned by members of the Gye and Balne families in Bath and London from 1771…

History and critical marketing studies

Mark Tadajewski

The purpose of this paper is to argue that the function of history in critical marketing studies centres on the issue of contextualisation. It aims to put forward the idea that…


Finanzkapital and consumers: how financialization shaped twentieth century marketing

Nikhilesh Dholakia

By tracing the history of the links of financialization to consumer behaviors and marketer actions in the twentieth century, this paper aims to show that consumer market phenomena…


Marketing and feminism in historic perspective

Pauline Maclaran

This article aims to give a short overview of the relationship between marketing and feminism.

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  • Dr Richard Hawkins