Table of contents - Special Issue: Marketing history in Spain
Guest Editors: Maria Elena Aramendia-Muneta, Felipe Ruiz Moreno, María Pilar Martínez-Ruiz
Can the vital cycle explain the circular consumer journey? A historical analysis of the relationship of Spanish Generation X with emblematic brands
Ana Isabel Jiménez-Zarco, M Dolores Mendez-Aparicio, Alicia Izquierdo-YustaThe purpose of this paper is to analyze the life history of the Spanish Generation X over the last five decades.
Spain is different! An analysis of the promotion strategies in the tourism industry in Spain
Juan José Blázquez-Resino, María Pilar Martínez-Ruiz, Ana Isabel Muro RodríguezGiven the great tourist attractiveness of Spain at international level, tourism has become one of the main sources of income and employment, as well as a basic pillar of the…
Twitter killed the media star: a historical evolution of marketing communication used by Spanish universities
Macarena Orgilés-Amorós, Felipe Ruiz Moreno, Gabriel I. Penagos-Londoño, Maria Tabuenca-CuevasIn recent decades, higher education institutions (HEIs) have increasingly adopted marketing-oriented approaches. While the adoption of marketing was slower in Europe and Spain, it…
Creation of mass sun-and-beach tourism in Spain: the definition of the tourist product through architecture
Joan Carles Cirer CostaThe purpose of this paper is to analyze Spain’s success in developing mass tourism between 1950 and 1965.
Mapping the evolution of tourism research: the Spanish case
Jesús Martínez-Navarro, Fernando Campayo-Sánchez, Liudmila Ostrovskaya FedorovaThis study aims to appraise the historical evolution of tourism research focused on Spain. Firstly, an analysis was conducted to assess the production and impact of research…

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Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Dr Richard Hawkins