Table of contents
Structural equation modelling of energy consumption in buildings
Ibrahim Motawa, Michael G. OladokunThe purpose of this paper is to analyse the complex interrelationships among thedifferent variables purporting to explain household energy consumption and carbon emissions. Energy…
Aberration detection in electricity consumption using clustering technique
Desh Deepak Sharma, S.N. SinghThis paper aims to detect abnormal energy uses which relate to undetected consumption, thefts, measurement errors, etc. The detection of irregular power consumption, with…
Demand side integration for electric transport vehicles
Johannes Schmidt, Lars-Peter Lauven, Norman Ihle, Lutz M. KolbeThe purpose of this study is to examine both the technical feasibility and the commercial viability of several demand-side integration (DSI) programs to utilize the charging…
Fleadapt scale: a new tool to measure frontline employee adaptability in power sector
Michael Sony, Nandakumar MekothAn adaptable frontline employee (FLE) would be an asset for the organization, customer and to other constituents, external to the organization. Previous research by the same…
Combined heat and power dispatch by grey wolf optimization
N Jayakumar, S Subramanian, S Ganesan, E. B. ElanchezhianThe combined heat and power dispatch (CHPD) aims to optimize the outputs of online units in a power plant consisting thermal generators, co-generators and heat-only units…
Factory eco-efficiency modelling: The impact of data granularity on manufacturing and building asset simulation results quality
Aanand Davé, Michael Oates, Christopher Turner, Peter BallThis paper reports on the experimentation of an integrated manufacturing and building model to improve energy efficiency. Traditionally, manufacturing and building-facilities…
Public policy and electrical-grid sector innovation
Jakob Rehme, Daniel Nordigården, Daniel ChicksandThis paper aims to investigate the manner in which technological innovation in the European electrical-grid sector has developed by focusing, in particular, on the effect of…
Optimisation of building shape and orientation for better energy efficient architecture
Reza Fallahtafti, Mohammadjavad MahdavinejadThis paper aims to optimise building orientation in Tehran, as well as determining the impact of its shape, relative compactness (RC) and glazing percentage on its optimised…
Cultural, external and behavioral factors in claims negotiations
Hassan Fazliani, Chotchai CharoenngamThe purpose of this paper was to investigate the factors affecting the claim negotiations in Iranian oil and gas construction projects. The findings of this paper give better…
Exploring residential energy consumers’ willingness to accept and pay to offset their CO2 emission
Yingkui Yang, Hans Stubbe SolgaardVoluntary carbon offsets have the potential to contribute to reduce carbon emission and thereby meet the national and international target of carbon emission. However, the public…

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2007Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Dr Prasanta Dey