International Journal of Energy Sector Management: Volume 8 Issue 4


Table of contents

Case study of integrated decision-making for deep energy-efficient retrofits

Pelin Gultekin, Chimay J. Anumba, Robert M. Leicht

This paper aims to focus on the decision-making process of integrated system design. Buildings can benefit from different system integration working toward the unified goal of…


A multi-criteria decision framework for the selection of low carbon building measures for office buildings in Hong Kong

Simou Zhang, Wei Pan, Mohan Kumaraswamy

– This paper aims to develop a multi-criteria decision framework (MCDF) for the selection of appropriate low carbon building (LCB) measures for office buildings in Hong Kong.


Improving sustainability of residential homes: occupants motivation and behaviour

Patrick X.W. Zou, Rebecca J. Yang

This paper aims to investigate residential occupants’ motivations and behaviour on energy savings. Energy consumption in residential buildings is a major contributor to greenhouse…


Assessing occupant satisfaction and energy behaviours in Toronto’s LEED gold high-rise residential buildings

Craig Brown, Mark Gorgolewski

This paper aims to present four purposes: to assess occupant satisfaction with indoor environmental quality (IEQ); to determine if occupants appear to be operating their dwellings…

Unravelling the unintended consequences of home energy improvements

Rajat Gupta, Laura Barnfield

This paper aims to, using a systematic mixed-methods based monitoring and evaluation approach, investigate the unintended consequences of physical and technical home improvements…


Building performance in the context of industry pressures

Craig Robertson, Dejan Mumovic

This paper aims to explore the relationship between designed and actual building performance as represented in an Royal Institute of British Architects- and Chartered Institution…

Non-technical barriers for decentralised energy and energy efficient buildings

Chris I. Goodier, Ksenia Chmutina

This paper aims to demonstrate the complex inter-relationship of non-technical barriers involved in the implementation of decentralised energy (DE) projects. To meet its ambitious…


Defining the sustainable building design process: methods for BIM execution planning in the UK

Maria-Angeliki Zanni, Robby Soetanto, Kirti Ruikar

The purpose of this research is to develop a building information modelling (BIM)-enabled sustainable design process model that identifies critical decisions actions in the design…


Economic and technological forecasting competencies of German energy companies: Empirical insights from annual reports

Uwe Kehrel, Nathalie Sick

This paper aims to extend the small body of literature on energy industry transitions on firm level. A growing number of articles shed light on paradigm shifts in the energy…

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  • Dr Prasanta Dey