International Journal of Energy Sector Management: Volume 4 Issue 4


Table of contents

A review of energy system models

Subhes C. Bhattacharyya, Govinda R. Timilsina

The purpose of this paper is to provide a comparative overview of existing energy system models to see whether they are suitable for analysing energy, environment and climate…


The evolution of the international steam coal market

Raymond Li

The objective of this paper is to analyse the evolution of international steam coal trade, the nature of coal trade contracts and the pricing mechanism in the two main coal…

Overview of natural gas sector developments in Trinidad and Tobago

Haydn Furlonge, Mark Kaiser

With over 100 years of commercial activity, Trinidad and Tobago's energy sector has demonstrated significant growth and dynamism. This paper aims to provide a historical account…


A novel hybrid approach using modified priority list and sequential approach for unit commitment

S. Subramanian, S. Ganesan

The purpose of this paper is to solve commitment problem of generating units in thermal power plants and to find the optimal dispatches of the committed units.

A transition to bilateral trading ESI – effect to generation dispatched cost: An analysis of the Thai power system

Supattana Nirukkanaporn, S. Kumar

The purpose of the paper is to analyze the effect on centralized dispatching generation cost under the condition where the single‐buyer electric supply industry (ESI) with…

Quantifying household energy performance using annual community baselines

Pierce H. Jones, Nicholas W. Taylor, M. Jennison Kipp, Harold S. Knowles

This paper seeks to describe a protocol to estimate annual community energy consumption baselines for single‐family detached homes in the Gainesville Regional Utility service area…

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  • Dr Prasanta Dey