Table of contents
Marcellus Shale play and the cointegration of natural gas markets in the Northeast
Kathleen Arano, Marieta Velikova, Kathryn GazalThe development of the Marcellus Shale Play has altered the geography of production in the USA, particularly in the Northeast natural gas market. The purpose of this paper is to…
Modeling and predict environmental indicators for land leveling using adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS), and regression
Farhad Mirzaei, Mahmoud Delavar, Isham Alzoubi, Babak Nadjar ArrabiThe purpose of this paper is to develop three methods including artificial bee colony algorithm (ABC-ANN), regression and adaptive neural fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) to predict…
The effect of transitioning to renewable energy consumption on the Nigerian oil and gas exports: An ARDL approach
Bukar Zanna Waziri, Aminu Hassan, Reza KouhyNet energy importing countries (NEICs) pursue strategic policies to reduce the consumption of energy from conventional sources and increase that of renewable energy to attain…
Morphological analysis of energy scenarios
Tobias Witt, Katharina Stahlecker, Jutta GeldermannEnergy scenarios have long been successfully used to inform decision-making in energy systems planning, with a wide range of different methodological approaches for developing and…
Inter-state analysis of energy efficiency- a stochastic frontier approach to the Indian paper industry
Salman Haider, Javed Ahmad BhatThis paper aims to measure the state-level energy efficiency in Indian paper industry and simultaneously explain inter-state variation in efficiency by inefficiency effect model…
Ethanol production in Brazil: empirical evidence based on persistence
Carlos Barros, Luis A. Gil-Alana, Peter WankeThis paper aims to investigate the production of sugar cane ethanol in Brazil for the time period 1983-2016, separating the data by geographical location.
Drivers and inhibitors adopting renewable energy: an empirical study in Malaysia
Abdul Rahman Zahari, Elinda EsaThis paper aims to investigate the drivers and inhibitors of the adoption of renewable energy by residential users. Based on the theoretical framework of consumer decision-making…
Driving factors of energy-relevant CO2 emissions in China’s fixed asset investment: A decomposition analysis
Hongtao Liu, Jin ShangThe purpose of this paper is to use an index decomposition analysis to investigate the driving forces of China’s CO2 emissions related to fixed asset investments from 2003 to 2015.
Forecasting performance of time series models on electricity spot markets
Marc Gürtler, Thomas PaulsenStudy conditions of empirical publications on time series modeling and forecasting of electricity prices vary widely, making it difficult to generalize results. The key purpose of…
An analysis of the effect of carbon emission, GDP and international crude oil prices based on synthesis integration model
Xiaohua ZouThis paper aims to analyze the impact of the relations between the US oil prices, carbon emissions and GDP through the analysis of data between 1987 and 2017.
Energy advice in Germany: a market actors’ perspective
Marc RingelThis study reviews present trends, barriers and outlooks for the future as seen by actors in the energy advice services market in Germany. As Germany is one of Europe’s leading…
Generation scheduling with large-scale integration of renewable energy sources using grey wolf optimization
R. Saravanan, S. Subramanian, S. SooriyaPrabha, S. GanesanGeneration scheduling (GS) is the most prominent and hard-hitting problem in the electrical power industry especially in an integrated power system. Countless techniques have been…
How economic growth in Australia reacts to CO2 emissions, fossil fuels and renewable energy consumption
Patrícia H. Leal, Antonio Cardoso Marques, Jose Alberto FuinhasAustralia is one of the ten largest emitters of greenhouse gases but stands out from the others due to its economic growth without recession for 26 consecutive years. This paper…
Renewable energy investments with storage: a risk-return analysis
Sarah Krömer, Nadine GatzertThe purpose of this paper is to study investments in renewable energy projects which are jointly operated with an energy storage system, with particular focus on risk-return…

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Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Dr Prasanta Dey