Young Consumers: Volume 4 Issue 3


Table of contents

How buzz marketing works for teens

Amy Henry

Explains the concept of buzz marketing ‐ roughly, creating a stir ‐ and how it can be successfully applied to the teen market: its drivers are truth distorted, bad behaviour, and…


How kids can jump‐start the creative process

Gary Pope

Explains that creating solutions for children is a difficult process, as they reject much of what is offered to them. Introduces Kid Science: this is essentially a catch‐all term…


Does food advertising make children obese?

Brian Young

Begins with the vast range of diets worldwide, and how the structure and content of “acceptable” food varies; children’s attitudes and tastes for food are largely conditioned by…


The angst, anguish and ambitions of the teenage years

Barbie Clarke

Stresses the importance of examining the changes that children go through in moving from “tweenagers” of eight to 12 years to the more difficult stage of teenagers, and also that…


TweenSpeak: the new branding language

Martin Lindstrom

Shows how tweens, ie children between eight and 14 years of age, have developed a fascinating global language which combines icons, illustrations and phrases in a completely new…


The role of characters in kids marketing

David Lawrence

Examines the history of branded characters in children’s marketing; these go back to the Michelin Man in 1898, and include the Robinson Golly and the Jolly Green Giant. Shows how…


Kellogg’s Real Fruit Winders: unwinding the effects of an integrated campaign

Janey Bullivant, Gurdeep Puri

Shows how Kellogg’s used an integrated marketing campaign to launch a new fruit snack into the UK market; it included PR, ambient media, web and TV. Argues that this innovative…

Advertising to children in Brazil

Rosângela Delgado, Paula Foschia

Outlines the legislative structure surrounding advertising to children in Brazil, which is aimed at protecting children because of their lack of experience and vulnerability; it…

Cover of Young Consumers







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  • Hiram Ting