International Journal of Emerging Markets: Volume 20 Issue 2


Table of contents

ESG-CFP relationship: exploring the moderating role of financial slack

Aanchal Singh, Subir Verma, Samik Shome

This study aims at examining the contentions of the agency theory by exploring the direct relationship between environmental, social and governance (ESG) disclosure score and…


Russian global export flow and potential: evidence from augmented gravity model

Shujaat Abbas, Valentin Shtun, Veronika Sapogova, Vakhrushev Gleb

The Russian export flow is highly concentrated on few trading partners that results in its high vulnerability to external shock. Furthermore, the Russian–Ukraine conflict and…

Government-business relations and strategic patenting: evidence from China's patent boom

Ruoyan Zhu, Yin Li, Li Tang

The purpose of the study is to propose a new perspective to explain how China's rapid growth in patenting is partially driven by corporate strategic patenting to influence local…

Government support, employee motivation and job performance in the COVID-19 times: evidence from Turkish SMEs during the short work period

Cevahir Uzkurt, Semih Ceyhan, Emre Burak Ekmekcioglu, Musab Talha Akpinar

This paper aims to explore the effect of government support (short work allowances – SWA) on SME employees' job performance and employee motivation perceptions, during the…

The role of environmental concern and technology show-off on electric vehicles adoption: the case of Macau

Alessandro Lampo, Susana C. Silva, Paulo Duarte

Research on battery electric vehicles (BEVs) has typically considered environmental concern a key determinant of behavioral intention that leads individuals to prefer electric…

Do Turkish firms benefit from GVC participation?

Abdullah Altun, Taner Turan, Halit Yanikkaya

The study evaluates the effects of GVC participation on firm productivity and profitability. Hence this study aims to find evidence whether there is a clear difference between the…

Ownership structure and firm sustainable investments: evidence from emerging markets

Ameen Qasem, Abdulalem Mohammed, Enrico Battisti, Alberto Ferraris

The aim of this study is to examine the ownership impact on firm sustainable investments (FSIs). In particular, this research examines the link between institutional investor…

How does high-performance work system influence employees' creativity? The role of critical reflection and human resource management attribution

Phuong Tran Huy

High-performance work system (HPWS) is considered a solid predictor of both organizational and individual outcomes. The current study examines the impact of employees' perception…

Dynamic change of international arms trade network structure and its influence mechanism

Xin-Yi Wang, Bo Chen, Yu Song

The purpose of this study is to analyze the dynamic changes of the arms trade network not only from the network structure but also the influence mechanism from the aspects of the…

Dialect connectedness and tunneling: evidence from China

Chen Song

This study aims to examine the effects of dialect connectedness between the chairman and the chief executive officer (CEO) (DCCC) on the tunneling activities of controlling…

Does overconfidence blur out the investment efficiency? The managerial overconfidence and internal financing effect on investment efficiency: evidence from MENA region

Osama El-Ansary, Aya M. Ahmed

This paper aims to investigate whether managerial overconfidence has an impact on investment inefficiency beyond its influence on the use of internal financing or whether internal…

The impact of corruption on companies' engagement in sustainability reporting practices: an empirical examination

Antonella Francesca Cicchiello, Amirreza Kazemikhasragh, Salvatore Perdichizzi, Andrea Rey

This paper aims to investigate whether the perceived level of corruption influences companies' decision to address principles and standards aimed, inter alia, at fighting…

Can Confucian culture promote enterprise total factor productivity? Evidence from China

Ni Xiong, Longzheng Du

This study examines whether Confucian culture can promote enterprise total factor productivity (TFP), and it also studies how transmission mechanism works on enterprise TFP.

Is manufacturing trade a stepping stone or an obstacle to service trade?

Jian Chen, Di Zhao, Yan-Nan Yu, Si-Yuan Wang

The authors empirically examined the theoretically recognized industrial linkages between manufacturing and services from the trade perspective. In particular, they confirmed the…

Exploring the impact of ambient air quality standards on firm innovation: evidence from listed industrial companies in China

Min Huang, Xiaobo Li

This paper aims to identify the impact of the new ambient air quality standards (AAQS) on firm innovation.

Social media and the bottom of the pyramid: a systematic literature review and future research agenda

Jitender Kumar, Archit Vinod Tapar, Somraj Bhattacharjee

The study aims to present a systematic literature review (SLR) to understand the current status of research on social media usage among the bottom of the pyramid (BOP). The…

The relationship between auditing industry specialization and the relative derivatives use for earnings management: evidence from China

Wen-Jye Hung, Pei-Gi Shu, Ya-Min Wang, Tsui-Lin Chiang

This study investigates the effect of auditing industry specialization (AIS) on the relative derivatives use for earnings management.

Diversity–performance nexus in an emerging economy: an investigation of family and non-family firms

Md Tariqul Islam, Shrabani Saha, Mahfuzur Rahman

The empirical study aims to examine the impact of board diversity with respect to gender and nationality on firm performance in an emerging economy. This research further splits…

FDI and productivity: facts versus fiction of high growth

Amin Sokhanvar

This paper aims to study the role of foreign direct investment (FDI) channels in improving local firms' productivity. Two transmission channels of knowledge spillovers are…

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  • Prof Ilan Alon