International Journal of Emerging Markets: Volume 20 Issue 1


Table of contents

Corporate tax avoidance and stock price crash risk: the moderating effects of corporate governance

Hanh Minh Thai, Khue Ngoc Dang, Normaziah Mohd Nor, Hien Thi Nguyen, Khiem Van Nguyen

This study aims to investigate the relationship between corporate tax avoidance and stock price crash risk and the moderating effects of corporate governance.


Investigating pension choice factors among the faculty of public sector universities in Pakistan

Muhammad Wahab, Muhammad Aamir Khan, Muhammad Siddique, Fakhrul Hasan

This research designed, optimized and tested a context-specific scale to evaluate public sector employees' pension choices.

Spatial relationship between financial development, energy consumption and economic growth in emerging markets

Nguyen Minh Ha, Bui Hoang Ngoc

The study aims to discover the spatial relationship between financial development, energy consumption and economic growth in 11 ASIA countries, using panel data from 1980 to 2016.


Herding or reverse herding: the reaction to change in investor sentiment in the Chinese and Pakistani markets

Muhammad Fayyaz Sheikh, Aamir Inam Bhutta, Tahira Parveen

Investor sentiment (optimism or pessimism) may influence investors to follow others (herding) while taking their investment decisions. Herding may result in bubbles and crashes in…

Does financial development enhance the growth effect of FDI? A multidimensional analysis in emerging and developing Asia

Thu-Ha Thi An, Shin-Hui Chen, Kuo-Chun Yeh

This study examines the role of financial development (FD) in enhancing the growth effect of foreign direct investment (FDI) in emerging and developing Asia from 1996 to 2019.

Volatility transmission dynamics between energy and financial indices of emerging markets: a comparison between the subprime crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic

Jesús Molina-Muñoz, Andrés Mora–Valencia, Javier Perote, Santiago Rodríguez-Raga

This paper aims to analyze the volatility transmission between an energy stock index and a financial stock index in emerging markets during recent high instability periods. The…

Move to innovation: place-based industrial relocation policy and firm innovation in China

Xian Zheng, Jinchuan Huang, Ziqing Yuan

This study investigates whether and how place-based industrial relocation policy affects firm innovation.

The influence of government affiliations on firm product innovation in a dynamic institutional environment: insights from China

Chun Yang, Bart Bossink, Peter Peverelli

Building on resource dependence theory and the dynamic institution-based view, this paper examines the influence of government affiliations on firm product innovation in a dynamic…

Performance of franchisee: the role of reciprocal resources, relationship quality and cultural sensitivity

Tien Dung Luu, Khanh Huyen Nguyen Mai, Cuong Chi Huynh, Ngoc Huong Thi Phan, Nga Thanh Le, Thao Nguyen Diep Le

This study aims to reveal the impact mechanism of franchisor-owned resources, franchise relationship quality and franchisee's dynamic capabilities on franchisee performance, with…

How to evaluate company directors at state owned enterprises? A framework of virtue and competence based on the Chinese experience

Xuhong Xu, Tiancheng Hu, Rui Guo, Shang Chen, Lutao Ning

This paper proposes a framework for director evaluation in the context of Chinese state-owned enterprises (SOEs), taking into account the influences of traditional and modern…

Role of perceived brand globalness and localness in developing consumer word-of-mouth in the hospitality industry

Asif Ali Safeer, Yewang Zhou

The purpose of this study is to examine the role of perceived brand globalness (PBG) and perceived brand localness (PBL) in developing consumer word-of-mouth (CWOM) via brand…

Family control, R&D expenses and firm efficiency: evidence from Taiwanese cultural and creative industries

Qian Long Kweh, Hanh Thi My Le, Irene Wei Kiong Ting, Wen-Min Lu

First, this study assesses the link between research and development (R&D) expenses and firm efficiency. Second, this study explores how family control moderates the link between…

The impact of Covid-19 pandemic on the value relevance of cash flows: evidence from banks

Heba Abou-El-Sood

This paper is motivated by the ongoing debate on the value relevance of cash flow statement (CFS) between bank regulators, on one hand, and accounting standard setters, on the…

Investigating the effects of institutional distance and experience on acquisition performance across emerging markets

Martin A. Goetz, Dirk Morschett

This study combines institutional and organizational learning perspectives to investigate the impact of institutional distance and institution-specific cross-border acquisition…

Examining significance of “downside beta” as a measure of risk – evidence from Indian equity market

Sivakumar Menon, Pitabas Mohanty, Uday Damodaran, Divya Aggarwal

Many studies have shown that from a theoretical and empirical point of view, downside risk-based measures of risk are better than the traditional ones. Despite academic appeal and…

The role of digital business transformation in frugal innovation and SMEs’ resilience in emerging markets

Khaled Al Omoush, Carlos Lassala, Samuel Ribeiro-Navarrete

The present study aims to examine the relationships between digital business transformation, organizational learning, frugal innovation and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs…


Are political connections a curse for banks of the MENA region? The moderating effect of ownership structure

Imen Khanchel, Naima Lassoued, Oummema Ferchichi

This study examines the effect of political connections on the performance of banks in the MENA region separately and then moderated by family, institutional and state ownership.

The role of signals in new venture financing in the context of an emerging market: a configurational approach

Başak Topaler, Gülcan Adar

This study proposes a portfolio of new venture signals that are likely to attract investors' attention in the context of an emerging market and examines how they work in…

Extreme risk spillovers and hedging strategies between Indonesia sectorial stocks and commodity markets

Rim El Khoury, Walid Mensi, Muneer M. Alshater, Sanghoon Kang

This study examines the risk spillovers between Indonesian sectorial stocks (Energy, Basic Materials, Industrials, Consumer Cyclicals, Consumer Non-cyclical and Financials), the…

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  • Prof Ilan Alon