Society and Business Review: Volume 19 Issue 1


Table of contents

Will legalizing corporate social responsibility get businesses to participate in welfare activities – the case of India

Sajith Narayanan, Guru Ashish Singh

The purpose of this study is to investigate the role and impact of state regulation of corporate social responsibility (CSR) spending on company actions and to examine whether…

The mediating role of organizational silence in the relationship between organizational justice and organizational creativity

Ferit Ölçer, Ömer Faruk Coşkun

The purpose of this study is to determine the relationships between organizational justice, organizational silence and organizational creativity and to examine the mediating role…

The heterogeneity of institutional investor activists and their counterintuitive tactical interactions

Jason Cavich

Following the traditions of stakeholder salience theory, this paper aims to contend that some institutional investor activists and tactics have more power, legitimacy and urgency…

“We do care”: the effects of perceived CSR on employee identification - empirical findings from a developing country

Taposh Roy

Although employees are considered key stakeholders, they receive limited attention in the corporate social responsibility (CSR) literature compared to other stakeholders such as…

To be more different or just the same? Means versus ends in hybrid organizational legitimacy

Jeffrey Gauthier, Jeffrey A. Kappen, Justin Zuopeng Zhang

This paper aims to consider the legitimacy challenges faced by hybrid organizations, examining the narrative strategies hybrids use in responding to these challenges and offering…

Prudence as an ethical foundation for risk management

Alasdair Marshall, Udechukwu Ojiako, Tony Abdoush, Nicholas Vasilakos, Maxwell Chipulu

This paper aims to draw on historical conceptions of true and false prudence within the broader context of virtue ethics ideas, to create a prudence framework for developing…

Feeling compassion and responsible but not starting a social venture: role of empathy and moral obligation in social entrepreneurial intention

Minhajul Islam Ukil, Abdullah Almashayekhi, Muhammad Shariat Ullah

While compassionate and morally motivated people are theorised to be more likely to engage in activities that contribute to the social good, the literature provides contradictory…

Assessing the role of materialism and gratitude in life satisfaction through IPMA: the mediating role of meaningfulness in life

Damini Saini, Radha Yadav

This study aims to create a more humane and responsible workplace, individuals’ gratitude and meaningfulness seem of utmost importance. This study is an effort to understand the…

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  • John Katsos