Society and Business Review: Volume 1 Issue 1


Table of contents

Business in society or an integrated vision of governance

Gaétan Breton, Yvon Pesqueux

Corporate governance is more than disciplining managers to produce more value for the shareholders. It must include how the organization influences other social institutions in…

From administrative humanism to the awareness of anomalies: the role of the human sciences

Fernando Cruz Kronfly

The first purpose of this paper is to show that the so‐called “Administrative Humanitarian” is not a derivation from the “Human Science”. It is really derivated from…


Extended stakeholder theory

Laszlo Zsolnai

The paper proposes a normative reinterpretation of the stakeholder concept. It argues that all stakeholders are morally considerable, and only those parties are stakeholders…


Globalization and corporate governance: issues for management researchers

Florence Palpacuer

This paper seeks to highlight the diversity of ideological positions adopted by management researchers in the globalization and corporate governance debate, with the belief that…


Stakeholder salience and engagement in political organisations: Who and what really counts?

Eleanor R.E. O'Higgins, Joseph W. Morgan

To study relationships between focal organisations and their stakeholders in a generic way, beyond the agency/transaction cost approach usually used in business research. The…


Meaning of corporate social responsibility in a local French hospital: a case study

Nada K. Kakabadse, Cécile Rozuel

The research aims to examine how corporate social responsibility (CSR) is contextually understood, in comparison with the definitions proposed in the academic literature.

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  • John Katsos