International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications: Volume 7 Issue 1


Table of contents

Taking VANET to the clouds

Stephan Olariu, Ismail Khalil, Mahmoud Abuelela

The past decade has witnessed a growing interest in vehicular networking and its myriad applications. The initial view of practitioners and researchers was that radio‐equipped…


Advances in video networking: standards and applications

Christos Grecos, Qi Wang

The interdisciplinary nature of video networking, coupled with various recent developments in standards, proposals and applications, poses great challenges to the research and…

An energy‐efficient scheme for reporting events over WSNs

Hajar Mousannif, Hassan Al Moatassime, Said Rakrak

Energy consumption has always been the most serious issue to consider while deploying wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Sensor nodes are limited in power, computational capacities…

GeoPointer – approaching tangible augmentation of the real world

Wolfgang Beer

The aim of this paper is to present an architecture and prototypical implementation of a context‐sensitive software system which combines the tangible user interface approach with…

SOLE: context‐aware sharing of living experiences

Jian Zhu, Mohammad Oliya, Hung Keng Pung, Wai Choong Wong

The rapid advances in the technologies of mobile computing and wireless communications have facilitated the use of applications and services on handheld devices. Sharing of living…

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  • Seng Loke