International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications: Volume 3 Issue 4
Table of contents - Special Issue: Managing context information in mobile and pervasive environments
Guest Editors: Wathiq Mansoor, Mohamed Khedr, Djamal Benslimane, Zakaria Maamar, Manfred Hauswirth, Karl Aberer
SCAFOS: linking sensor data to context‐aware applications using abstract events
Eleftheria Katsiri, Jean Bacon, Alan MycroftThe event‐driven paradigm is appropriate for context aware, distributed applications, yet basic events may be too low level to be meaningful to users. The authors aim to argue…
Development and evaluation of a context‐driven, mobile tourist guide
Ronny Kramer, Marko Modsching, Klaus ten HagenThe behavior of tourists strongly depends on the availability and quality of information. Too little information as well as too much can be disorienting and forces many tourists…
Adaptation in context‐aware pervasive information systems: the SECAS project
Tarak Chaari, Frédérique Laforest, Augusto CelentanoThe simple environment for context aware systems (SECAS) Project deals with the adaptation of applications to the context (user preferences and environment, terminal, etc.). The…
A scenario‐based approach for direct interruptability prediction on wearable devices
Abraham Bernstein, Peter Vorburger, Patrice EggerPeople are subjected to a multitude of interruptions. In order to manage these interruptions it is imperative to predict a person's interruptability – his/her current readiness or…
A context‐aware preference database system
Kostas Stefanidis, Evaggelia Pitoura, Panos VassiliadisA context‐aware system is a system that uses context to provide relevant information or services to its users. While there has been a variety of context middleware infrastructures…

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- Seng Loke