International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications: Volume 21 Issue 1


Table of contents

Improving GPU performance in multimedia applications through FPGA based adaptive DMA controller

Santosh Kumar B., Krishna Kumar E.

Deep learning techniques are unavoidable in a variety of domains such as health care, computer vision, cyber-security and so on. These algorithms demand high data transfers but…


Embedding and Siamese deep neural network-based malware detection in Internet of Things

T. Sree Lakshmi, M. Govindarajan, Asadi Srinivasulu

A proper understanding of malware characteristics is necessary to protect massive data generated because of the advances in Internet of Things (IoT), big data and the cloud…

Weighted ensemble classifier for malicious link detection using natural language processing

Saleem Raja A., Sundaravadivazhagan Balasubaramanian, Pradeepa Ganesan, Justin Rajasekaran, Karthikeyan R.

The internet has completely merged into contemporary life. People are addicted to using internet services for everyday activities. Consequently, an abundance of information about…

Detection IoT attacks using Lasso regression algorithm with ensemble classifier

K.V. Sheelavathy, V. Udaya Rani

Internet of Things (IoT) is a network, which provides the connection with various physical objects such as smart machines, smart home appliance and so on. The physical objects are…

The effect of social experience and content quality on the use of celebrity endorsement strategy in the social commerce context: a case study of Indonesia

Yonathan Dri Handarkho, Pupung Arifin

This study aims to provide a comprehensive theoretical model based on stimulus-organismresponse, social impact, and signaling theory to examine the factors influencing the…

Intrusion detection based on concept drift detection and online incremental learning

Farah Jemili, Khaled Jouini, Ouajdi Korbaa

The primary purpose of this paper is to introduce the drift detection method-online random forest (DDM-ORF) model for intrusion detection, combining DDM for detecting concept…

A novel Internet of Things and federated learning-based privacy protection in blockchain technology

Shoayee Dlaim Alotaibi

Be that as it may, BC is computationally costly, has restricted versatility and brings about critical transmission capacity upward and postpones, those seems not to be fit with…


Federate learning on Web browsing data with statically and machine learning technique

Ratnmala Nivrutti Bhimanpallewar, Sohail Imran Khan, K. Bhavana Raj, Kamal Gulati, Narinder Bhasin, Roop Raj

Federation analytics approaches are a present area of study that has already progressed beyond the analysis of metrics and counts. It is possible to acquire aggregated information…

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