International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications: Volume 19 Issue 3
Table of contents
Context–aware assistive driving: an overview of techniques for mitigating the risks of driver in real-time driving environment
Shilpa Gite, Ketan Kotecha, Gheorghita GhineaThis study aims to analyze driver risks in the driving environment. A complete analysis of context aware assistive driving techniques. Context awareness in assistive driving by…
QoS aware web service selection using orthogonal array learning on fruit fly optimization approach
Manik Chandra, Rajdeep NiyogiThis paper aims to solve the web service selection problem using an efficient meta-heuristic algorithm. The problem of selecting a set of web services from a large-scale service…
A framework for scheduling IoT application jobs on fog computing infrastructure based on QoS parameters
Mandeep Kaur, Rajinder Sandhu, Rajni MohanaThe purpose of this study is to verify that if applications categories are segmented and resources are allocated based on their specific category, how effective scheduling can be…
OPC UA TSN: a next-generation network for Industry 4.0 and IIoT
Hristo Trifonov, Donal HeffernanThe purpose of this paper is to describe how emerging open standards are replacing traditional industrial networks. Current industrial Ethernet networks are not interoperable;…
FHSA: fractional harmony search algorithm for polyphase code design in radar signal processing
Sirasani Srinivasa Rao, Subba Ramaiah V.The purpose of this research is to design and develop a technique for polyphase code design for the radar system.
Automatic diseases detection and classification of EEG signal with pervasive computing using machine learning
Rajashekhar U., Neelappa , Harish H.M.The natural control, feedback, stimuli and protection of these subsequent principles founded this project. Via properly conducted experiments, a multilayer computer rehabilitation…
Energy-aware multipath routing in WSN using improved invasive weed elephant herd optimization
Hingmire Vishal Sharad, Santosh R. Desai, Kanse Yuvraj KrishnraoIn a wireless sensor network (WSN), the sensor nodes are distributed in the network, and in general, they are linked through wireless intermediate to assemble physical data. The…

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- Seng Loke