International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications: Volume 18 Issue 4


Table of contents

Monitoring and analysis of the recovery rate of Covid-19 positive cases to prevent dangerous stage using IoT and sensors

Kumar K.R., Iyapparaja M., Niveditha V.R., S. Magesh, G. Magesh, Shanmugasundaram Marappan

This paper has used the well-known machine learning (ML) computational algorithm with Internet of Things (IoT) devices to predict the COVID-19 disease and to analyze the peak rate…

Smart epidemic tunnel: IoT-based sensor-fusion assistive technology for COVID-19 disinfection

Sharnil Pandya, Anirban Sur, Ketan Kotecha

The purpose of the presented IoT based sensor-fusion assistive technology for COVID-19 disinfection termed as “Smart epidemic tunnel” is to protect an individual using an…

Multi-utility framework: blockchain exchange platform for sustainable development

Jacques Bou Abdo, Sherali Zeadally

The purpose of this paper is to design a sustainable development platform for water and energy peer-to-peer trading that is financially and economically feasible. Water and other…

Detection and monitoring of the asymptotic COVID-19 patients using IoT devices and sensors

Rajeesh Kumar N.V., Arun M., Baraneetharan E., Stanly Jaya Prakash J., Kanchana A., Prabu S.

Many investigations are going on in monitoring, contact tracing, predicting and diagnosing the COVID-19 disease and many virologists are urgently seeking to create a vaccine as…

Network efficient topology for low power and lossy networks in smart corridor design using RPL

Sakshi Garg, Deepti Mehrotra, Sujata Pandey, Hari Mohan Pandey

This paper aims to determine the network efficient topology for low power and lossy networks (LLNs) using routing protocol for LLN (RPL) with respect to the increase in network…

A novel OTP based tripartite authentication scheme

Sajaad Ahmed Lone, Ajaz Hussain Mir

Because of the continued use of mobile, cloud and the internet of things, the possibility of data breaches is on the increase. A secure authentication and authorization strategy…

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