International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications: Volume 17 Issue 2
Table of contents - Special Issue: Intelligent Pervasive Computing for Sustainable Healthcare Systems
Guest Editors: Anandakumar Haldorai, Mu-Yen Chen, Chow Chee Onn, Arulmurugan Ramu
An optimized security solution based on trust value for multithreaded wireless body area network communication
Sanchari Saha, Dinesh K. AnvekarSecurity of wireless body area network communication is highly important as it directly impacts human life. This paper aims to focus on battlefield application area of WBAN for…
Three-way formal concept clustering technique for matrix completion in recommender system
Chemmalar Selvi G., Lakshmi Priya G.G.In today’s world, the recommender systems are very valuable systems for the online users, as the World Wide Web is loaded with plenty of available information causing the online…
Square microstrip multi band fractal antenna using EBG structure for wireless applications
Suresh Akkole, Vasudevan N.Application of electromagnetic band gap (EBG) i.e. electromagnetic band gap technique and its use in the design of microstrip antenna and MIC i.e. microwave integrated circuits is…
Telemedicine system using mobile internet communication
Saravanan S., Sudhakar P.Telemedicine is delivered to patient anywhere during emergency treatment care, and medical information is transferred from one site of patient to another site of specialist…
Reliable IoT-based Health-care System for Diabetic Retinopathy Diagnosis to defend the Vision of Patients
Sengathir Janakiraman, Deva Priya M., Christy Jeba Malar A., Karthick S., Anitha Rajakumari P.The purpose of this paper is to design an Internet-of-Things (IoT) architecture-based Diabetic Retinopathy Detection Scheme (DRDS) proposed for identifying Type-I or Type-II…
Techno-managerial implications towards communication in internet of things for smart cities
Avinash Pawar, Ashutosh Kolte, Balkrishan SangvikarThe purpose of this paper is to explore the significance of the internet of things (IoT) system for smart cities and deliberate on the technological aspects involved in developing…

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- Seng Loke