International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications: Volume 16 Issue 3
Table of contents
SBADR: stable and bandwidth aware dynamic routing protocol for mobile ad hoc network
Anupama Sharma, Abhay Bansal, Vinay RishiwalQuality communication is a big challenge in mobile ad hoc networks because of a restricted environment for mobile devices, bandwidth-constrained radio connections, random mobility…
Applying deep learning algorithm to maintain social distance in public place through drone technology
Lalitha Ramadass, Sushanth Arunachalam, Sagayasree Z.The purpose of this paper is to inspect whether the people in a public place maintain social distancing. It also checks whether every individual is wearing face mask. If both are…
Improved rider optimization for optimal container resource allocation in cloud with security assurance
Kapil Netaji Vhatkar, Girish P. BholeThe containerization application is one among the technologies that enable microservices architectures, which is observed to be the model for operating system (OS) virtualization…
An elephant herd grey wolf optimization (EHGWO) algorithm for load balancing in cloud
Pooja Arora, Anurag DixitThe advancements in the cloud computing has gained the attention of several researchers to provide on-demand network access to users with shared resources. Cloud computing is…
Hybrid RPL-based sensing and routing protocol for smart city
Yahya AlSawafi, Abderezak Touzene, Khaled Day, Nasser AlzeidiWireless sensor network (WSN) and mobile crowd sensing (MCS) technologies face some challenges, especially when deployed in a large environment such as a smart city environment…

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- Seng Loke