International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications: Volume 13 Issue 3


Table of contents

Heavyweight extension to the UML class diagram metamodel for modeling context aware systems in ubiquitous computing

Haider Boudjemline, Mohamed Touahria, Abdelhak Boubetra, Hamza Kaabeche

The development of context-aware applications in ubiquitous environments depends not only on the user interactions but also on several context parameters. The handling of these…

An approach for speed limit determination for vehicle tracking in case of GID ambiguity and lack of information in navigation maps

Nusret Haliti, Arbana Kadriu, Mensur Jusufi

The purpose of the research presented in this paper is about an algorithm used for speed limit determination, in cases when there is ambiguity in determining the correct road data…

A survey and comparative analysis of the various routing protocols of Internet of Things

Shailja Agnihotri, K.R. Ramkumar

The purpose of this paper is to provide insight into various swarm intelligence-based routing protocols for Internet of Things (IoT), which are currently available for the Mobile…


Contextual case-based reasoning applied to a mobile device

Djamel Guessoum, Moeiz Miraoui, Chakib Tadj

This paper aims to apply a contextual case-based reasoning (CBR) to a mobile device. The CBR method was chosen because it does not require training, demands minimal processing…

A service-oriented application creation process in ubiquitous environments: Travel assistant mobile application

Hajer Taktak, Faouzi Moussa

Many features constitute an adaptive system such as user model, interface specification, business functionalities and service implementation. Context awareness is an important…

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  • Seng Loke