International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications: Volume 1 Issue 1
Table of contents
Pervasive location‐based systems: The fundamental challenges between vision and reality
Helder Pinto, Rui JoséIdeally, a pervasive location‐based system should allow mobile users to go anywhere and benefit from personalized and pro‐active services tailored for their current activity…
Designing a configurable services platform for mobile context‐aware applications
Patrícia Dockhorn Costa, Luís Ferreira Pires, Marten J. van SinderenContext‐aware services platforms aim at supporting the handling of contextual information in order to provide better user‐tailored services. This paper proposes a novel services…
Handling heterogeneity in context aware services
Ronald van Eijk, Alfons Salden, Johan de Heer, Arjan Peddemors, Petri Määttä, Ville HaatajaThe increasing number of context aware services, which depend on various multimodal sensing, processing and actuating techniques, technologies and formats ask for a physical…
Creating audio‐augmented environments
Andreas Zimmermann, Andreas LorenzThe paper deals with the design and creation of an intelligent user interface augmenting the user experience in everyday environments, by providing an immersive audio environment…
Hierarchical mobile network routing: Route optimization and micro‐mobility support for NEMO
Moon‐Sang Jeong, Jong‐Tae ParkA lot of recent research has been focused on developing network mobility management to support the movement of a mobile network consisting of several mobile nodes. The IETF NEMO…
Towards a smart world and ubiquitous intelligence: A walkthrough from smart things to smart hyperspaces and UbicKids
Jianhua Ma, Laurence T. Yang, Bernady O. Apduhan, Runhe Huang, Leonard Barolli, Mokoto TakizawaA cyber world (CW) is a digitized world created on cyberspaces inside computers interconnected by networks including the Internet. Following ubiquitous computers, sensors, e‐tags…

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2005Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Seng Loke