Table of contents - Special Issue: UOIT, A Laptop University: A Look at the Eight‐Year Mark
Guest Editors: Franois Desjardins
Tablet PCs and reconceptualizing learning with technology: a case study in higher education
R. van Oostveen, William Muirhead, William M. GoodmanThis study aims to examine the experience of 31 university students who were issued tablet PCs for their use during an academic year. The primary research problem which drove this…
Teaching 2.0: (re)learning to teach online
Shawn Michael BullockThe purpose of this paper is to document and analyse the author's first two years of developing a pedagogy that meaningfully incorporates the content creation and social…
Virtual simulations and serious games in a laptop‐based university: Gauging faculty and student perceptions
Bill Kapralos, Michelle Hogan, Antonin I. Pribetic, Adam DubrowskiGaming and interactive virtual simulation environments support a learner‐centered educational model allowing learners to work through problems acquiring knowledge through an…
The role of project‐based learning in IT: A case study in a game development and entrepreneurship program
Andrew Hogue, Bill Kapralos, Franc¸ois DesjardinsProblem/project‐based‐learning (PBL) approaches have traditionally been shown to be effective for learning within many professional programs that are directly related to the…
Proceed with caution: technology fetishism and the millennial generation
Shahid AlviThis paper seeks to examine the impact of information communication technology on the learning process and on the profession of teaching.

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- Assoc Prof Pedro Isaias