Journal of Integrated Care: Volume 23 Issue 1

Practical evidence for service improvement


Table of contents

New act, new opportunity for integration in Scotland

Alison Taylor

In this paper, the Scottish Government's approach to improving outcomes for patients and service users by integrating health and social care planning and provision is described…


Can GPs coordinate “whole person care”?

Bob Hudson

As the notion of “integrated care” has received ever greater policy traction, so the idea that a named individual should take responsibility for coordinating the various elements…


It was people that brought down the Berlin Wall – not process

Jim Thomas

Integrating services does not necessarily lead to improved outcomes for people with care and support needs and fails to address the need for workforce integration. Workforce…


Multiple exclusion homelessness: is simplicity the answer to this complexity?

Robin Miller, Steve Appleton

– The purpose of this paper is to explore integration and complexity through the evaluation of a case study service which supports multiply excluded homeless people.

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  • Professor Axel Kaehne