Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship: Volume 9 Issue 1


Table of contents

Developing a Process to Enhance Customer Relationship Management for Small Entrepreneurial Businesses in the Service Sector

Peggy E. Chaudhry

The words in the CRM (Customer Relationship Management) have become short‐hand buzz words for describing how firms foster a 360‐degree review of the customer lifecycle. The…


Entrepreneurs and Marketing: A New Look at Linguistic Interpretations

Jonathan Deacon, Vincent J. Pascal, Robert G. Schwartz

This paper seeks to explore linguistic nuances in responses to the definition of marketing for entrepreneurs in technology and non‐technology firms located in the US and UK. The…


The Role of Market‐Oriented Organizational Culture in New Entrepreneurial Ventures

Malte Brettel, Andreas Engelen, Florian Heinemann, Andreas Kessell

Qualitative and recent quantitative research indicates that market orientation exerts a positive effect on the performance of new entrepreneurial firms. However, the question…

Customer‐Value Based Marketing Activities in Fast‐Growth Firms

Caroline Tan Swee Lin, Kosmas X. Smyrnios

This study investigates customer‐value based marketing activities in emerging or new fast‐growth ventures. A contextual analysis of interview data identified seven customer‐value…


Towards a Conceptualization of Entrepreneurship

Suna Sørensen, Astrid Heidemann Lassen, Robert Hinson

In this paper we rethink the conventional ways of explaining the change process of new company formation. We base our analysis on two well established and dominating categories of…


The Case of Mexicali Fresh: Bringing a Restaurant to New Zealand

Morgan P. Miles, W.W. Kirkley, Jenny Darroch

Much of the information for this case was taken from interviews by the first and second authors with Cindy and John Buell at Mexicali Fresh, taken directly from the Buell’s…

Some Common Problems with Statistics in Papers and Presentations

Richard Teach, Elizabeth Murff

It is always a struggle to write papers and talks that contain statistical information as the presentation methods used for analytic results do have an impact on the comprehension…

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  • Rosalind Jones