British Journal of Clinical Governance: Volume 7 Issue 3
Table of contents
The role of CHI in monitoring the development of clinical governance in trusts and promoting change
Linda PattersonThe structures for inspecting and monitoring health care are changing, and the Commission for Health Improvement (CHI’s) work in involving patients and the public in assessing the…
The magic matrix of clinical governance
S.A. Lewis, N. Saunders, K. FentonThe implementation of effective frameworks which support the clinical governance agenda is proving to be a significant challenge for management teams across the NHS. Since there…
Lipid lowering after myocardial infarction in hospital practice
D. Dutta, B. OgunnaikeThere is strong evidence for the use of HMG Co‐A reductase inhibitors (statins) for secondary prevention after myocardial infarction. Previous surveys suggest sub‐optimal use of…
Evaluating processes for evidence‐based health care in the National Health Service
Beverly Warburton, Mary BlackThis paper explores the growing interest of Health Service researchers in evaluating processes or process evaluation and discusses the relevance of this type of evaluation to the…
Reviewing local screening policies – a worthwhile exercise?
Helen Thornton‐Jones, Susan Hampshaw, Hora Soltan, Rajan MadhokReviews antenatal and early childhood screening programmes to assess the impact of guidance from the National Screening Committee (NSC). Develops methods to investigate local…
Implementing clinical governance – results of a year’s programme of semi‐structured visits to assess the development of clinical governance in West Midlands Trusts
Caron Grainger, Rowland Hopkinson, Vanessa Barrett, Colin Campbell, Sam Chittenden, Rod Griffiths, David Low, Jo Parker, Ashok Roy, Tamar Thompson, Trish WilsonAims to assess the development of clinical governance within NHS Trusts in the West Midlands by means of a cross‐sectional qualitative study based on in‐depth interviews and…
The nature of hospital prescribing errors
S. Dobrzanski, I. Hammond, G. Khan, H. HoldsworthA study was carried out to determine the nature of medical prescribing errors identified by pharmacists in an NHS Hospital Trust. From the 587 errors detected in a one‐month…
Transitions of care: the next major quality improvement challenge
J. James Cotter, Wally R. Smith, Peter A. BolingThis review and discussion outline domains and a research agenda leading to improvements in the quality of transitions of care between health‐care settings. Over the past two…
Developing strategic leadership of clinical governance through a programme for NHS boards
Marilyn Boggust, Michael Deighan, Ron Cullen, Aidan HalliganNational Health Service trust boards are constantly challenged to achieve a balance between their resources and meeting the needs of the communities they serve. In addition, the…
The role of clinical audit in risk reduction
P. Jane CowanRecent criticism of some aspects of current practice within the NHS has placed the role of clinical audit increasingly under the spotlight. In a recent publication, the National…