Training Strategies for Tomorrow: Volume 16 Issue 6
Table of contents
Adopting a cultured approach to training
The Chinese have a saying that “He who knows two cultures lives two lives”. It is an appropriate expression to recall as their country prepares for membership of the World Trade…
Designs on better distance learning
Good training programs will encompass tried and trusted methods but they will also have to be responsive to change. Sometimes it is the very nature of change that calls training…
Redesigning project management at Kimberly‐Clark Europe
Kimberly‐Clark is a leading manufacturer of packaged goods, such as Andrex, Kleenex and Huggies. In 1997 it was struggling to build market share in Europe, despite a strong UK…
Training leaders to cope with growth
Sage is a UK‐based company that has gone from being a regional company 20 years ago to being a global company in 2002. Part of the reason for its success has been the number of…
Learning to learn
In Spring this year Birmingham City Council in the UK became the latest winner of the British Telecom lifelong learning education awards. Aiming to assist one of society’s most…
The growth of the corporate university
During the last decade the Corporate University (CU) idea as an important strategic development platform has taken a firm hold in the USA in particular and there are now more than…
Feedback, feedback everywhere … but how effective is the 360‐degree approach?
360‐degree feedback is no longer a novelty. It is fast becoming a popular training tool, particularly in relation to management development. Why? Because this form of appraisal…