Table of contents
How does knowledge management influence innovation and competitiveness?
Alberto CarneiroIs concerned with human value management, examines the relationships between organizations’ competitiveness, innovation advancements, and knowledge management and presents a set…
Knowledge and competence management at Ericsson: decentralization and organizational fit
Tomas Hellström, Peter Kemlin, Ulf MalmquistThe present paper is a cross‐sectional case study of knowledge management (KM) initiatives at Ericsson. The general aim of the study was to investigate how a large Swedish telecom…
Knowledge work teams and groupware technology: learning from Seagate’s experience
A.B. (Rami) Shani, James A. Sena, Michael W. StebbinsThe goal of boosting creativity and productivity in knowledge‐based teams is shared by managers in technology‐oriented companies and industries. In this paper, we assess the…
The transfer of knowledge and the retention of expertise: the continuing need for global assignments
Silke Bender, Alan FishWith ongoing globalisation, organisations are increasingly confronted with worldwide competition. In order to build and sustain their competitive advantage, the knowledge and…
Knowledge as a transformation agent
Davis KlailaWhy is it so difficult to make change happen? Many companies fail because they do not have the right internal structure and mindset to succeed. The author illustrates how to…
Knowledge management initiatives: learning from failure
John Storey, Elizabeth BarnettLarge numbers of organizations are taking great interest in the idea of knowledge management and many are launching knowledge management initiatives and programmes. A large…
The senses and memory of a firm – implications of autopoiesis theory for knowledge management
Marjatta MaulaFirms can be regarded as autopoietic systems that continuously reproduce themselves. This paper regards the firm itself as an autopoietic entity. This approach helps identify: the…
Knowledge management in small and medium‐sized companies: knowledge management for entrepreneurs
R.P. uit BeijerseThis article deals with a field which gets little or no attention in the research done into knowledge management: small and medium‐sized companies. In the first part of this…

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Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Professor Manlio Del Giudice