Table of contents
Impacts of knowledge sourcing on employee innovation: the moderating effect of information transparency
Tong Che, Zijing Wu, Yaoyu Wang, Rui YangInnovation is the combination of idea generation and idea implementation. Sourcing relevant and credible external knowledge is critical for individuals to generate new feasible…
Building theory on the negotiation capability of the firm: evidence from Ryanair
Andrea Caputo, Adrian Borbely, Marina DabicIn an attempt to build upon existing theory, this paper aims to investigate the potentially reciprocal relationship between negotiation and strategy, and strive to contribute…
Knowledge management and value creation in the post-crisis banking system
Francesco Campanella, Armand Derhy, Francesco GangiThis paper aims to demonstrate the existence of a relationship between the knowledge creation process and competitive advantage in the banking system. The framework of knowledge…
The double-edged effects of perceived knowledge hiding: empirical evidence from the sales context
Yonggui Wang, Myat Su Han, Diandian Xiang, Daniel Peter HampsonDespite managers’ investments in facilitating knowledge sharing, knowledge hiding remains prevalent in organizations. Existing studies shed light on the antecedents and…
Secrets and knowledge management strategy: the role of secrecy appropriation mechanisms in realizing value from firm innovations
David Hannah, Michael Parent, Leyland Pitt, Pierre BerthonThe purpose of this paper is to explore in depth the mechanisms that organizations use to keep their innovations secret. This paper examines how, when and why secrecy…
Effects of organizational learning on performance: the moderating roles of trust in leaders and organizational justice
Seok-Young OhThe purpose of this paper is to identify how organizational learning processes influence perceived organizational performance and examine the moderating roles of organizational…
Mediating and moderating impact of goal orientation and emotional intelligence on the relationship of knowledge oriented leadership and knowledge sharing
Syed Muhammad Shariq, Umer Mukhtar, Suleman AnwarThis paper aims to examine the underlying mechanism through which knowledge-oriented leadership (KOL) encourages knowledge sharing (KS) among the employees. It investigates KOL as…
Employee perception of impact of knowledge management processes on public sector performance
Sultan Ali Al Ahbabi, Sanjay Kumar Singh, Sreejith Balasubramanian, Sanjaya Singh GaurThe application of knowledge management (KM) is critical to public sector firm as it is to private sector firm. However, despite its significance, the academic enquiry of KM in…
Realising the value of knowledge resources and capabilities: an empirical study
Thi Nguyet Que Nguyen, Liem Viet Ngo, Gavin Northey, Christopher Agyapong SiawDrawing upon the resource-based view of the firm, this paper aims to develop and empirically validate a model that examines the relationships between technical knowledge…

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Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Professor Manlio Del Giudice