Leadership in Health Services: Volume 18 Issue 3


Table of contents

The ethics of capping non‐economic damages to control rising healthcare costs: Panacea or false and misleading practice?

Lamar Odom, Anthony Garcia, Pamela Milburn

To explore from an ethical paradigm the current research in support of and opposition to imposing caps on non‐economic damages as a means of addressing the healthcare crisis.


A survey of total quality management in Iran: Barriers to successful implementation in health care organizations

Ali Mohammad Mosadegh Rad

The objective of this research is to investigate the success of TQM and barriers to its successful implementation in health care services organizations in Isfahan province, Iran…


The impact of corporate memory loss: What happens when a senior executive leaves?

Denis Lahaie

The author is a nursing management practitioner, whose purpose in writing this paper is twofold: to examine the impact of corporate memory loss on a health care institution…




Online date, start – end:

1997 – 2006

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited