International Journal of Organization Theory & Behavior: Volume 17 Issue 1


Table of contents

Administrative ironies and DHS performance reporting

Richard J. Herzog, Katie S. Counts

Objectivism is the critical lens used to view organizational communication of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The Government Performance Results Modernization Act…

Foreclosure and dispossession: The case for a feminist critical theory for public administration

Jennifer L. Eagan

Using Marcuse and the 2008 economic crisis as a starting point, this work proposes a feminist critical theory for public administration that could inform how public…

The virtues of politics in fearful times

Michael W. Spicer

While many warn about the failures of politics, this article argues that politics serves to resolve conflicts of interests and values among us in a manner that limits the use of…

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  • Associate Professor Davide Secchi