International Journal of Organization Theory & Behavior: Volume 14 Issue 4


Table of contents

Digital governance success factors and barriers to success in prague

James Melitski, Tony J. Carrizales, Aroon Manoharan, Marc Holzer

In 2010 a series of case studies were conducted in Prague, Czech Republic, examining the implementation and management of digital governance. These best practice case studies were…

Negotiating the narrow road between institutionalism and non-foundationalism, and the difference it makes

Ian John Greener

This paper welcomes Bevir’s Democratic Governance, applauding especially its theoretical coherence and sophistication, and its conclusion that we need a more dialogic, diverse…

Risks associated with performance specifications in highway infrastructure procurement

Shekhar S. Patil, Keith R. Molenaar

Proper identification, allocation, and pricing of risks are critical to effective procurement and project delivery, particularly when contracts specify the intended performance…

Putting experts in their place: the challenge of expanding participation while solving problems

Thad Williamson

This essay critically examines possibilities for expanding democratic participatory governance in light of Mark Bevir’s treatment of the subject in his book Democratic Governance…

A bridge to nowhere: connecting representative and radical models of democracy

Mark J. Kaswan

“Democracy” can be defined in different ways, each of which offers a different way of looking at the relationship between democracy and governance. Mark Bevir’s (2010) Democratic…

Who interprets the world? Interpretive Social science and mark bevir’s democratic governance

Elizabeth Ben-Ishai

I explore Bevir’s approach to interpretive social science and its implications for his study of governance. I make two arguments: one methodological and one substantive. First, I…

Mark bevirʼs democratic governance in radical democratic perspective

Fred Lee

I have taken this essay on Mark Bevirʼs latest book as an opportunity to critically reflect on diverse perspectives within radical democratic theory. My first aim here is to…

Response: Interpretive social science and democratic theory

Mark Bevir

I summarize my views on democratic governance before responding to critics. Governance arose partly from the impact of modernist social science on public policy and it limits the…

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  • Associate Professor Davide Secchi