OCLC Systems & Services: International digital library perspectives: Volume 11 Issue 1


Table of contents

OCLC Users′ Council meeting minutes, October 2‐4, 1994: a report

JoEllen Ostendorf

Reports on the OCLC Users Council meeting of October 2‐4, 1994,which discussed, among other things: OCLC efforts to enhance PRISM;conversion work in Europe and in the Asia/Pacific…


Building bridges between faculty and library staff with OCLC FirstSearch

Steven Herro

Describes how the library and biology disciplines of St NorbertCollege, Wisconsin, implemented First‐Search training of the BasicBiosisfile for upper‐divisional biology students…


The Borrowing Update System: current status, future plans and technical elements

John D. Lewis

The Borrowing Update System (BUS) is a Windows‐based interlibraryloan package designed to facilitate common tasks related to recordmanagement and reporting. As a follow‐up to the…


Electronic error reporting via Internet in the VAX environment

Sam A. Khosh‐Khui

Describes an electronic OCLC error reporting (OER) programdeveloped at the Albert B. Alkek Library, Southwest Texas StateUniversity, in response to the OCLC announcement that OCLC…




Renamed from:

OCLC Micro

Online date, start – end:

1993 – 2015

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited