Women in Management Review: Volume 3 Issue 3
Table of contents
Are politics palateable to women managers? how women can make wise moves at work
Tanya Arroba, Kim JamesTheir reluctance to engage in politics often deters women from moving into senior management. “Many women's reluctance to work at making the right impression and to engage in…
Advancing by degrees: how to change career mid‐stream
Sarah BellFive years ago I began to experience a “push‐pull” feeling. The “push” made me feel there was something fundamental missing from my present job, something which was causing me to…
A bad fracture: is there life after a career break?
Chrissie StricklandThe concept of the Women Returners' Network is to be wholeheartedly welcomed. Any organization that facilitates women returning to the workplace must be worthwhile. As a recent…
A star is born: how a new political lobby might change the face of women's politics
Alison Baines‘We have lived through historic days and perhaps we are turning over a new page in the history of the women's movement,’ said Fausta desHormes, head of the European Commission's…
Wanted—women experts
Ana NovakovićSeeing women experts in action helps build up women's credibility as leaders and experts in a wider range of fields than traditional ‘women's work’, but it is all too infrequent…
Do women use different influences?
Tricia VilkinasThis study builds on an earlier one published in Women in Management Review Vol 2 No 3, that investigated the power bases that women use to influence their subordinates. The…