Women in Management Review: Volume 2 Issue 4


Table of contents

How women can get into management from home

Rosemary Smith

The distance learning course for women moving into management which Rosemary Smith has just piloted for the Open Business School, and about which she writes here for the first…

How to undo men's gender conditioning

Michael Simmons

Questioning traditional male values at work began in the women's movement. But as books like C. Brooklyn Derr's Managing the New Careerists (reviewed on p253) show, men themselves…

Sexual politics for men

Helen Gurden, Jill Hardman

“Have we facilitated even more male bonding, or provided a certificate of anti‐sexism?” Helen Gurden and Jill Hardman ask themselves about the Sexual Politics for Men course in…

What do women's groups offer?

Frances Tomlinson

What are UK women's groups like? Who do they appeal to? How do they compare with each other?

Danger for working women?

Alison Baines

Alison Baines talked to Diana Lamplugh about the Susie Lamplugh Trust she launched in memory of her daughter, the London estate agent who disappeared last summer while showing an…



Renamed to:

Gender in Management

Online date, start – end:

1985 – 2007

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited