Women in Management Review: Volume 13 Issue 7
Table of contents
Patterns in the policies: affirmative action in Australia
Alison SheridanAlthough affirmative action is often referred to as though it was an homogeneous entity, the reality is that affirmative action policies can take many different forms. To date…
Factorial dimensions and differential effects of gender on perceptions of teleworking
Thompson S.H. Teo, Vivien K.G. LimTeleworking has received increased attention around the world as a means to provide more balanced lifestyles, higher job satisfaction and increased work productivity. This study…
Social support during unemployment: are women managers getting a fair deal?
Sandra L. Fielden, Marilyn J. DavidsonAims to present the findings of a recent study into the availability of social support to unemployed female managers. It is widely recognised that social support is an important…