International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management: Volume 54 Issue 6


Table of contents - Special Issue: NOFOMA 2023 – Logistics During Global Crises

Guest Editors: Markku Kuula, Gyöngyi Kovács

The paradoxical nature of greening transportation: an analysis of tensions in buyer–supplier dyads

Maria Björklund, Helena Forslund, Veronica Svensson Ülgen

Contradictory sustainability priorities and perspectives among supply chain actors in greening transportation can be challenging. Several of these contradictions can be described…

The impact of order fulfillment on consumer experience: text mining consumer reviews from Amazon US

Yulia Vakulenko, Diogo Figueirinhas, Daniel Hellström, Henrik Pålsson

This research analyzes online consumer reviews and ratings to assess e-retail order fulfillment performance. The study aims to (1) identify consumer journey touchpoints in the…


An analysis of automakers navigating an evolving semiconductor landscape

José Augusto Campos Garcia, Ala Arvidsson, Patrik Jonsson

In this paper, we investigate the coevolution of the supply network and procurement strategies in the context of semiconductors and electronics for the automotive industry over…

The implementation of berth allocation policies that enable Just-in-Time arrival in port calls

Abd Alla Ali Mubder Mubder

Just-in-Time (JIT) arrival in the context of port calls can be used to reduce fuel and emissions to achieve environmental targets. The purpose of this paper is to study the…


System-level impacts of electrification on the road freight transport system: a dynamic approach

Zeinab Raoofi, Maria Huge Brodin, Anna Pernestål

Electrification is a promising solution for decarbonising the road freight transport system, but it is challenging to understand its impact on the system. The purpose of this…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Professor Ivan Russo
  • Professor Shashank Rao