International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management: Volume 53 Issue 9


Table of contents

Making supply chain traceability strategic: insights from the food industry

Trang T. Hoang, John E. Bell, Thomas J. Goldsby

This paper aims to present an emergent framework that proposes the strategic importance of supply chain (SC) traceability beyond the traditional role in supporting product safety…

The role of scarcity-inducing post-stockout disclosures on consumer response to stockouts

Pritosh Kumar, Adriana Rossiter Hofer, Simone Peinkofer

Applying a middle-range theorizing to premises of signaling theory and the scarcity principle, this study aims to investigate the mechanisms and effects of different patterns of…

A typology of the collaboration willingness of carriers in hinterland logistics

Pauline Charlotte Reinecke, Thomas Wrona, Nicolas Rückert, Kathrin Fischer

A large part of maritime container supply chain costs is generated by carriers in port hinterland logistics. Carriers which operate in the hinterland are under pressure to reduce…

Extending and understanding: an application of machine learning to the World Bank's logistics performance index

Ben Shepherd, Tanaporn Sriklay

The authors extend the World Bank's Logistics Performance Index (LPI) for 30 additional countries and 13 additional years. The authors develop an inexpensive method for extending…

Do a non-core worker's procedural justice concerns influence their engagement in helping behavior? A multi-method study

Mohammed Farhan, Caroline C. Krejci, David E. Cantor

The purpose of this research is to examine how a change in team dynamics impacts an individual's motivation to engage in helping behavior and operational performance.

What is the right purchasing strategy for your company? The fit between strategic intent, strategic purchasing and perceived environmental uncertainty

Andrea S. Patrucco, Davide Luzzini, Daniel Krause, Antonella Maria Moretto

The authors empirically examine purchasing strategy typologies based on strategic intent (i.e. competitive priorities) and practices used to achieve these priorities. The authors…


Green supplier governance and firm performance: a comprehensive understanding of three governance approaches

Junjun Liu, Yuan Chen, Qinghua Zhu

This study aims to develop a comprehensive green supplier governance (GSG) concept and explore whether specific GSG approaches (green supplier assessment, green supplier…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Professor Ivan Russo
  • Professor Shashank Rao