International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management: Volume 53 Issue 2


Table of contents

Customer experience dimensions in last-mile delivery: an empirical study on unattended home delivery

John Olsson, Daniel Hellström, Yulia Vakulenko

The success of last-mile delivery is dependent on consumer acceptance of such services, yet little is known about unattended delivery experience. This paper's purpose is to…


Supply chain risk management strategies in normal and abnormal times: policymakers' role in reducing generic medicine shortages

Victoria Ahlqvist, Nonhlanhla Dube, Marianne Jahre, Jin Soo Lee, Tsegaye Melaku, Andreas Farstad Moe, Max Olivier, Kostas Selviaridis, Joe Viana, Christine Aardal

This paper links supply chain risk management to medicine supply chains to explore the role of policymakers in employing supply chain risk management strategies (SCRMS) to reduce…


How to not lose oneself: the case for relational identity in collaborative supply relationships

Oskari Rintala

For a long time, researchers have stressed the importance of identity for collaborative supply relationships. Accordingly, it has been proposed that supply relationships may be…


Ambidextrous strategies in turbulent times: the experience of manufacturing SMEs during the COVID-19 pandemic

Marco Bettiol, Mauro Capestro, Eleonora Di Maria, Stefano Micelli

The paper refers to the framework of ambidexterity to explain the strategic paths of manufacturing SMEs in turbulent times, by investigating SMEs' strategic reaction to the…


Strategic responses to the pandemic: a case study of the US department store industry

Ruifeng Wang, Martin Dresner, Xiaodan Pan

The study focuses on (1) the success of three strategies employed during the pandemic – two “persevering” strategies, curbside pickup and return window extension and one…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Professor Ivan Russo
  • Professor Shashank Rao