International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management: Volume 51 Issue 7


Table of contents

Gamification in freight transportation: extant corpus and future agenda

Ana Carolina Tomé Klock, Eetu Wallius, Juho Hamari

Several freight operations rely on human cognition and behavior. Tackling these aspects, gamification transforms activities to resemble game-like experiences. Since the freight…


What should you be talking about? The communication pathway to sustainable supply chain contagion

Saif Mir, Brian S. Fugate, Jonathan L. Johnson, Misty Blessley

The purpose of this paper is to understand communication pathways and factors that cause sustainability initiatives to become contagious from downstream to upstream members of a…

How supply chain professionals learn at work: an investigation of learning mechanisms

Pernilla Derwik, Daniel Hellström

Supply chain (SC) professionals and their competence play a key role in creating value and competitive advantage for companies. A considerable amount of this competence is…


Estimating the national logistics outsourcing market size: a multi-method approach and an application to the Italian context

Lorenzo Bruno Prataviera, Elena Tappia, Sara Perotti, Alessandro Perego

Today logistics is an ever-growing multi-billion-dollar business, and logistics operations have been increasingly outsourced to specialised players. The intended aim of this paper…


The effect of supply chain quality management on supply chain performance: the indirect roles of supply chain agility and innovation

Ayman Bahjat Abdallah, Nour A. Alfar, Salah Alhyari

The current study seeks to investigate how supply chain quality management (SCQM) and supply chain agility (SCA) and innovation (SCI) have an impact on supply chain performance…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Professor Ivan Russo
  • Professor Shashank Rao