International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management: Volume 51 Issue 6


Table of contents - Special Issue: Sales and operations planning (S&OP): Empirical studies on current practices and innovative solutions

Guest Editors: Patrik Jonsson, Riikka Kaipia, Mark Barratt

Proactively and reactively managing risks through sales & operations planning

Hendryk Dittfeld, Kirstin Scholten, Dirk Pieter Van Donk

Risks can easily disrupt the demand–supply match targeted by sales and operations planning (S&OP). As surprisingly little is known of how organizations identify, assess, treat and…


The S&OP process and the influence of personality and key behavioral indicators: insights from a longitudinal case study

Jan Stentoft, Per Vagn Freytag, Ole Stegmann Mikkelsen

The purpose of this paper is to extend the research domain of Sales & Operations Planning (S&OP) beyond the hard issues by focusing on soft issues in S&OP processes. This paper…


Enabling integrated business planning through big data analytics: a case study on sales and operations planning

Alexander Schlegel, Hendrik Sebastian Birkel, Evi Hartmann

The purpose of this study is to investigate how big data analytics capabilities (BDAC) enable the implementation of integrated business planning (IBP) – the advanced form of sales…


Developing and implementing contextualised S&OP designs – an enterprise architecture management approach

Tobias Kreuter, Christian Kalla, Luiz Felipe Scavarda, Antônio Márcio Tavares Thomé, Bernd Hellingrath

This paper provides a five-step Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM) approach to systematically guide the development and implementation of contextualised Sales and Operations…


On relating big data analytics to supply chain planning: towards a research agenda

Jinou Xu, Margherita Emma Paola Pero, Federica Ciccullo, Andrea Sianesi

This paper aims to examine how the extant publication has related big data analytics (BDA) to supply chain planning (SCP). The paper presents a conceptual model based on the…

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  • Professor Ivan Russo
  • Professor Shashank Rao