International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management: Volume 51 Issue 10
Table of contents - IJPDLM 50th Anniversary Special Issue
Guest Editors: Chee Yew Wong
Celebrating IJPDLM's 50th anniversary: a reflection on its contributions and future directions
Chee Yew WongThis article celebrates the 50th anniversary of IJPDLM, reflects on the contribution of IJPDLM to the field of logistics and supply chain management (LSCM) and discusses future…
Retrospective on the launch of IJPDLM – lessons for the future of logistics and supply chain management research
Remko van HoekThis paper offers a retrospective on the launch and first volumes of this journal. It describes the history of a unique period in our discipline when founding fathers in the US…
How to advance theory through literature reviews in logistics and supply chain management
Christian F. Durach, Joakim Hans Kembro, Andreas WielandThe discipline's most common uses for literature reviews—identifying gaps, developing research agendas, and categorizing the literature—too often fail to challenge, change or…
Leveraging grounded theory in supply chain research: A researcher and reviewer guide
John Edmund Mello, Ila Manuj, Daniel John FlintThe purpose of this article is to identify and explain most frequently misunderstood steps in the use of grounded theory (GT) as a methodology and provide guidance on proper…
Startups in the supply chain ecosystem: an organizing framework and research opportunities
Stephan M. WagnerStartups are associated with innovation, emerging technologies, digitalization and disruptive business models. This article aims to provide a better understanding of startups in…

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1990Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Professor Ivan Russo
- Professor Shashank Rao