International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management: Volume 47 Issue 2/3
Table of contents - Special Issue: Outsourcing/offshoring insights: going beyond reshoring to rightshoring
Guest Editors: Wendy L.Tate, Lydia Bals
Outsourcing/offshoring insights: going beyond reshoring to rightshoring
Wendy L. Tate, Lydia BalsThe last decades have seen manufacturing and services offshoring on the rise, often motivated by low prices and without consideration of other important criteria such as…
Global offshoring portfolio diversity and performance implications
Nidthida Lin, Hao Tan, Stephen ChenThe purpose of this paper is to examine how three key dimensions of a firm’s offshoring portfolio – location diversity, functional diversity and governance mode – affect the…
Direct and indirect value creation in offshored knowledge-intensive services
Kristin BrandlDespite increasing interest in offshoring of knowledge-intensive services, it is still undetermined as to whether the sourcing of services truly creates the anticipated value for…
Sustaining innovation of information technology service providers: Focus on the role of organisational collectivism
Alfred Presbitero, Banjo Roxas, Doren ChadeeHow do knowledge-intensive technology-based offshore information technology service providers (ITSPs) in developing countries sustain their innovation and remain competitive? The…
Understanding the decision to offshore human resource activities: a coevolutionary perspective
Carmen Paz-Aparicio, Joan E. Ricart, Jaime BonacheOffshoring has been studied widely in the literature on strategic management and international business. However, apart from its consideration as an administrative activity, scant…
Bring it back? An examination of the insourcing decision
Paul L. Hartman, Jeffrey A. Ogden, Benjamin T. HazenDiscussion regarding the implications of and antecedents to the decision to outsource manufacturing functions has dominated both the academic literature and popular press for over…
Responsiveness, the primary reason behind re-shoring manufacturing activities to the UK: An Indian industry perspective
Hamid Moradlou, Chris Backhouse, Rajesh RanganathanDue to today’s volatile business environment companies have started to establish a better understanding of the total risk/benefit-balance concerning manufacturing location…

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1990Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Professor Ivan Russo
- Professor Shashank Rao