International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management: Volume 47 Issue 1


Table of contents

Supply chain 2.0 revisited: a framework for managing volatility-induced risk in the supply chain

Martin Christopher, Matthias Holweg

The purpose of this paper is to provide an update to the Supply Chain Volatility Index (SCVI), and expand on prior work by presenting a conceptual framework illustrating how firms…


Extending the supply chain visibility boundary: Utilizing stakeholders for identifying supply chain sustainability risks

Christian Busse, Martin C. Schleper, Jenny Weilenmann, Stephan M. Wagner

The purpose of this paper is to investigate how buying firms facing low supply chain visibility can utilize their stakeholder network to identify salient supply chain…


The dark side of global sourcing: a systematic literature review and research agenda

Alina Stanczyk, Zelal Cataldo, Constantin Blome, Christian Busse

The purpose of this paper is to present a systematic review of the literature concerning the negative aspects of global sourcing (GS). It complements prior research on the…


The data-driven analytics for investigating cargo loss in logistics systems

Pei-Ju Wu, Mu-Chen Chen, Chih-Kai Tsau

Cargo loss has been a major issue in logistics management. However, few studies have tackled the issue of cargo loss severity via business analytics. Hence, the purpose of this…


Linking decision-control and decision-management uses of performance measurement systems

Jose M. Sanchez, Maria L. Velez, María Ángeles Ramón-Jerónimo, Pedro Araujo

The purpose of this paper is to analyze, for both parties of a distribution channel, to what extent each party perceives the counterpart’s use of performance measurement systems…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Professor Ivan Russo
  • Professor Shashank Rao