International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management: Volume 44 Issue 7


Table of contents - Special Issue: Supply chain management in Latin America

Efficiency drivers in the Brazilian trucking industry: a longitudinal study from 2002-2010

Peter F. Wanke

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the issue of efficiency in the Brazilian motor carrier industry, which has undergone significant transformations since the economy…

Relational value creation and appropriation in buyer-supplier relationships

Priscila L.S. Miguel, Luiz A.L. Brito, Aline R. Fernandes, Fábio V.C.S. Tescari, Guiherme S. Martins

Interfirm relationships create value, but buyers and suppliers can appropriate this value in different amounts. Using the relational-view of strategy, the purpose of this paper is…


Reverse logistics of recovery and recycling of non-returnable beverage containers in the brewery industry : A “profitable visit” algorithm

Mario Manuel Monsreal Barrera, Oliverio Cruz-Mejia

The purpose of this paper is to analyse the processes of collecting used non-returnable packaging. The objective is to increase the quality and quantity of recycling material used…


An MCDA-C application to evaluate supply chain performance

Emílio Della Bruna Jr, Leonardo Ensslin, Sandra Rolim Ensslin

The purpose of this paper is to develop a performance evaluation model for the operations of the supply chain of an organization of the refrigeration equipment sector. The tool…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Professor Ivan Russo
  • Professor Shashank Rao