International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management: Volume 40 Issue 4
Table of contents - Special Issue: Selected papers from the 21st NOFOMA Conference 2009
Guest Editors: Susanne Hertz, Jens Hultman, Joakim Wikner
Linking corporate strategy and supply chain management
Erik HofmannThe purpose of this paper is to research the nature of supply chain strategy (SCS). It represents one stage of an on‐going research initiative aimed at providing a framework for…
The misalignment cycle: is the management of your supply chain aligned?
Johan F. Lundin, Andreas NorrmanThe purpose of this paper is to propose a framework for describing and analyzing misalignments in supply chain management related to changes in supply chain structures, processes…
ERP system strategies in parent‐subsidiary supply chains
Anders Haug, Anne Pedersen, Jan Stentoft ArlbjørnMany companies are part of parent‐subsidiary supply chains, i.e. organisations where a parent company receives products from its subsidiary or the other way around. Having this…
Implementation of SCM in inter‐organizational relationships: a symbolic perspective
Frederik Zachariassen, Dennis van LiempdThe purpose of this paper is to investigate supply chain management (SCM) as a management implement from a symbolic perspective on a dyadic level. So far, no research has…
Doctoral dissertations in logistics and supply chain management: A review of Nordic contributions from 2002 to 2008
Frederik Zachariassen, Jan Stentoft ArlbjørnThe purpose of this paper is to identify Nordic doctoral dissertations in logistics and supply chain management (SCM) published from the years 2002 to 2008. The paper then seeks…

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1990Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Professor Ivan Russo
- Professor Shashank Rao