International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management: Volume 35 Issue 5
Table of contents
Supplier parks in the German automotive industry: A critical comparison with similar concepts
Hans‐Christian Pfohl, Karin GareisIn the German automotive industry the supplier park concept is one of the new concepts in procurement logistics, evolved in the last years. To understand the spreading of supplier…
Impact of uncertainties on recovery behavior in a remanufacturing environment: A numerical analysis
Karl InderfurthRemanufacturing of used products is an emerging business area, which is attractive from both an economic and an environmental point of view. Aims to investigate to what extent…
Impact of WEEE‐directive on reverse logistics in Germany
Grit Walther, Thomas SpenglerOwing to new legal requirements, essential changes in the field of treatment of electronic products in Germany are expected. However, consequences in terms of changes of…
Dynamic vehicle routing by means of a genetic algorithm
Giselher PankratzTo propose and to evaluate a new genetic algorithm (GA) for solving the dynamic pickup and delivery problem with time windows (DPDPTW).

0960-0035Online date, start – end:
1990Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Professor Ivan Russo
- Professor Shashank Rao